The presence of micro-organisms in fuels has become a problem that has directly affected the industry since the first signs of microbial growth began to be observed inside storage tanks due to the use of petroleum hydrocarbons or refined fuels as a carbon source for their growth and proliferation. This causes biological wear on the surface of the tanks, as well as biodegradation and biocontamination of the fuels. Current fuel tank cleaning and disinfection systems are based on biocidal agents, which are inefficient and costly for the results obtained.

The FDR System is a machine that has the capacity to clean, refine and disinfect the fuel contained in hydrocarbon tanks (ships, vehicles, petrol stations, fuel tanks of distributors, etc.). The present invention covers the need for an easy, definitive, economical and effective solution to this problem, as the solutions currently available on the market do not meet any of these characteristics. This patent is already on sale.

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