1∫.- Innovative aspects of the patented FDR System for cleaning, disinfecting and recycling biologically and chemically contaminated fuel.

Until now, the solution to the problem has been very costly and inefficient. This invention makes it easy, economical, definitive and efficient, since by installing the equipment next to the tank, the fuel will always be in an optimal state of use.

If you have poor quality oil, or it is dirty or when you have microbes that have generated algae, the biocide may kill the microbial life but it does not clean the algae deposited in the tank, so the problem may persist.

However, the following successes are achieved with this patent:

  • Eliminates microbes.
  • Eliminates existing algae.
  • Removes dust and dirt from the fuel.
  • It removes the water contained in the fuel.
  • In low-quality hydrocarbons, it is optimally recycled to make it usable again.
  • Existing and unwanted chemicals in the fuel can be removed.
  • Chemical dyes previously added to the fuel are removed.

2∫.- What innovation does the FDR System have?

The innovation is a new way of disinfecting and refining the fuel, as the other procedures add biocides to the fuel, but in no way refine the fuel; they end up leaving algae and causing problems on the tank walls.

Unlike current solutions, this new solution does not require the removal of tank contents, nor do you have to constantly spend money on ineffective biocides, the problem does not reappear as it does with current solutions.

In our proposal, the system is simply and easily connected to each tank and the system will operate automatically when needed.

While this is an infinite improvement over current solutions, it is also true that over time and especially in highly contaminated tanks, it will require maintenance, which will consist of periodic cleaning of the machine's filters and, if necessary, their replacement, as well as the radiation lamp, which will have to be replaced at the end of its useful life, although this is a long one.

3∫.- What does the FDR system do that others do not?

It definitively solves the problem of the presence of dirt, microorganisms and algae in the fuel tanks, since by installing this system it will not be necessary to use biocides, clean the tank, filters, injectors or change the fuel. It is also capable of eliminating chemicals and dyes in the fuel.

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