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Clean, disinfect and recycle biologically and chemically contaminated fuel.

1∫.- Innovative aspects of the patented FDR System for cleaning, disinfecting and recycling biologically and chemically contaminated fuel. So far, the solution to the problem is very expensive and inefficient. This invention makes it easy, economical, definitive and efficient, since by installing the equipment next to the tank, the fuel will always be in a clean, clean and [...]

Current technologies for the prevention of microorganisms in fuel tanks

There is currently a wide variety of qualitative methods that allow the detection of microorganisms specifically in fuels in a quick and easy way, as they do not require much sample preparation; it should be noted that when assessing microbiological contamination in fuel, the aqueous phase present at the bottom must be taken into account, as it is not possible to detect microorganisms in fuels.

Microorganisms in fuel storage tanks

The presence of micro-organisms in fuels has become a problem that has directly affected the industry since the first signs of microbial growth began to be observed inside storage tanks due to the use of petroleum hydrocarbons or refined fuels as a carbon source for fuels.

Microorganisms in fuel storage tanks

The presence of micro-organisms in fuels has become an issue that has directly affected the industry since the first signs of microbial growth were observed inside storage tanks due to the use of petroleum hydrocarbons or fuels as a carbon source [...].